Monday, July 31, 2006

I Believe!

The haters keep chugging their hatorade saying that PSU is going to be terrible this year. It is as if no other team graduated any players at all this spring. If you listen to most of the blogosphere and professional sports writers the entire Penn State team graduated (including the 4 stand out, freshmen, WRs).

We are still a month out from the start of the season and nobody knows who is going to step up and who is going to fade away. Tosu loses their linebackers and they are supposed to be a stand-out program again this year. Certainly possible but has PSU lost all credibility because of a few bad seasons? If you listen closely you can hear the entire fan base of Michigan and Tosu cry "yes!".
Is there anyone who thinks that because it is a new year that the white-out won't be in full effect for every home game this year? Did all the students who made Beaver Stadium a nasty place to come and play graduate too? Hardly.
Penn State is going to be just fine this year. "How do you know?" the rest of college football punditry responds. Because I fucking believe! That's why. I promise, by the end of the season everyone will be believing too!

(these folks already believe...big-time)

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