Monday, July 23, 2007

The Calm Before the Storm....of AWESOMENESS!

There is not a lot of Penn State news out there right now. The good news is that summer practice is right around the corner, the bad news is that the start of the season is still over a month away. Sigh. To pass the time I am not going to go the dull, boring road of ESPN offering tepid stories of toddlers who get to meet offensive linemen. It is entertaining because the toddlers are small and the linemen are huge!
I want to talk about the drunken ramblings of a Michigan State fan who is a friend of mine. Here is a taste:
"Michigan State football is like an ugly girl. You can put a dress on it, even love her a little, but she will never be pretty."

"JB, come help me kill Woody...he has a Notre Dame ringtone on his phone and it is boring its way into my brain!"

Yeah. Yeah. It was a good night.

To close, I leave you with a moment of tailgating-zen.



PSUgirl said...

She's an ugly girl who cheats on you too.

JB said...

I'm afraid i have no idea what you're driving at.