Friday, December 15, 2006

Morelli Has Received Death Threats

The AP is reporting that Anthony Morelli has received death threats via email. I think a lot of football blogs have questioned how good a quarterback Morelli is but this is going entirely too far. How can you call yourself a fan of the greatest team in sports, PSU, and email death threats to the starting quarterback?! This not only has no place in college sports but also it is a federal offense to transmit death threats via email. As a true fan I ask, and i don't think i'm alone in this, for whoever sent these emails to be found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Let no act of ours bring shame...



Anonymous said...

I can't believe some Penn State fans would disgrace their school like this. I wish I knew who these people are. I would use my blogger powers to defame them with wreckless abandon and destroy them!

Nice look to the blog, btw. Like the new design!

JB said...

Thanks man. I'm still trying to work out the bugs but it is going well.
I don't think it would be a bad idea if the email addresses, used to send the threats, were made public. The sender essentially made it public by sending one to Morelli. I'd publish them.