Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Beaver Stadium = Concert Venue?

The CDT is reporting that Fergie will be playing a concert at Beaver Stadium the day before the Blue-White game (AKA April 18th). Apparently this is a part of a larger plan with something known as the Gridironbash.

This will be the first concert that Beaver Stadium has ever hosted and, to be perfectly honest, I'm a little concerned about the field. First, the kids will have to be back out there to play on that field the next day. If the field isn't in the best shape how can we expect the team to go out there and play at 100%?

Since they have never done any events like this in the past, we have no idea how the field responds to this sort of trauma. How modern is Beaver stadium with regards to being able to host so many events in such a short time period? The last thing anyone wants to see is a terrible field (remember Heinz field late this year?) for the Blue-White game. I realize it will make the Blue-White weekend a bigger event and that could be good for the team and the university, but at what cost?

My guess is that Joe is not happy about this. Shit, I don't think i'm happy about this.


drozz said...

fergie sucks.

what entertainment would you feel as an acceptable tradeoff, if any?

JB said...

My objection isn't so much that Fergie sucks (though that argument could be made), I just think they should do it in the BJC. or one of the other outdoor fields.

Why risk trashing the field with a concert and notoriously wet conditions?

drozz said...

yeah, i was (horribly) alluding to a hypothetical situation in which if one had to choose, who would be in consideration?

i agree-i would not want anyone to mess with field conditions the night before a game.

JB said...

Somebody rockingly awesome. How about, ST-Mother-fucking-P!?!?!?!?!